Student Right to Know Act
The Student Right to Know Act (SRTK), officially known as the Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act, is a federal law in the United States that requires colleges and universities participating in federal student financial aid programs to disclose certain information about their institutions to prospective and current students. The primary goal of this legislation is to provide students and their families with important data that can help them make informed decisions about higher education.
Key provisions of the Student Right to Know Act include:
Graduation Rates: Institutions must disclose their overall graduation rates and the graduation rates of specific student populations, such as athletes and recipients of federal Pell Grants. This information helps students understand the likelihood of completing their degree programs at a particular institution.
Campus Security: The law mandates the reporting of campus crime statistics, including incidents of criminal offenses and arrests, on or near campus. Institutions are also required to provide information about their campus security policies and procedures.
Financial Aid Information: Colleges and universities must provide information about the types of financial aid available, eligibility criteria, application procedures, and how to maintain eligibility for aid programs.
Athletics Data: Schools are required to disclose data related to their intercollegiate athletic programs, including participation rates, financial support for athletes, and completion or graduation rates for student-athletes.
Transfer of Credit Policies: Institutions must make their policies regarding the transfer of credit from other institutions transparent to students.
The Student Right to Know Act is designed to empower students and their families by ensuring they have access to essential information that can guide their decisions about higher education. This transparency helps prospective students make more informed choices about which college or university is the right fit for their educational and career goals. This information is available for USW at the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) College Navigator website.
College Navigator
College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others search for and obtain information about U.S. post-secondary institutions. Click here to launch the College Navigator for University of the Southwest.